Characters Design & Novel
Brief Introductions
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The Blind Girl has a hundred eyes, but those eyes can see through people's hearts, which are always dark inside, so she refuses to open them …
The Displaced carries a string of bells called "Hundred Horse Bells," which houses the souls that failed to return to their homeland. However, the Hundred Horse Bells have only ninety-nine bells—the last soul is his own …
Shaman's power comes from the mountain god. It once gave up this power to save its tribe, but now, to rebuild the tribe, it must reclaim that power …
The Unnamed One’s name is Yunting, but history is always deliberately altered to tell future generations the stories people want them to hear …
Rakshasa was once a girl who was raised like a male warrior. Having killed too many people, she had to ask a monk to ink scriptures on her arms to prevent evil thoughts from turning her into a monster. However, when she severed her arm to protect her master, the scriptures were left incomplete …
Raven has infinite life but limited memory, while the butterfly swarm has infinite memory but short lives. Every summer, the butterflies in the forest would tell Raven its own story—until that summer, when the butterflies did not returned.
The swordsman failed to fulfill the dream he promised the girl. After the girl died, he dressed himself as her to fulfill the unfinished dream. Only the girl’s name was left in the books …
The White Porcelain sought revenge, but her body was beautiful and smooth. To make herself sharp, she shattered herself …
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Oath Breaker's oath was to return to his lover after the war, but to protect his lover, he died on the battlefield. This is how the oath was broken …
The Old Lady with a ridiculous face make up has been waiting by the river since her youth, waiting for the Oath Keeper to return …
The Fox was determined to become human. After she transformed, she burned down the forest she had sworn to protect as a fox …
The merciful One-Armed Daoist once vowed to kill 81 people, but he only completed 80 …
The boy's lover was killed and made into a Bodhisattva statue. The boy became the most devoted monk in the Bodhisattva temple, but people called him The Blasphemer because his devotion to the Bodhisattva did not come from reverence, but from love …
The Loner‘s people had lived for generations by hunting whales, and the loner was no different—until he leaped off a cliff to save his sister and turned into a whale …
The musician deafened himself to warn the painter, and the painter blinded herself to save the musician …
Read the novel
The novel is still being updated and reviewed. Once completed, it will consist of approximately 20 chapters, totaling over 80,000 Chinese characters, and incorporating various writing styles. This is currently the literary work I am most proud of.
In Updating …